An oracle is a priest who acts as a medium through a god that will give an advice to the person in need of guidance. It is also defined as a shrine to consult or ask a god. Egyptians used oracles to ask the gods for guidance just like the fortune tellers now, they use tarot cards or crystal balls to predict the future, and priests who guide people by the words of the Lord but they do not really get to talk to God. People of different economic statuses in ancient Egypt asked of the oracles and even the king, they used the oracle for personal and on royal decisions.
Egyptians were a big influence on relying on fortune tellers to do your decisions because even the pharaohs relied on oracles to make small and big decisions, and this is included in the article The Oracle in Ancient Egypt by Marie Parsons from
It was also said that the oracles were used so the the thieves would confess just by a simple answer of yes or no by the god. The oracle is not defined strictly as a prophecy or to tell the future because their gods do not know everything. Hence, an oracle is more practical than prophecy because it is a request to a deity to answer a question through it's statue. It was said that it is more effective if the question could be answerable by yes or no but questions that starts like who or what could also be asked. The oracle is also used by the farmers to ask on what is proper to plant on a particular season. During the third intermediate period, their was this decree that a deity passed through an oracle which was worn around the necks by the Egyptians with small cylinder. It guarantees protection against every imaginable evil on anyone who wears it.
As evidence, there were a lot of written questions that was found on the statues of the gods. An example of a found text is this, "Plea of the servant Teshnufe (son of) Mare, who says before his master Sobek, lord of Pay, great god, and Isis, perfect of throne. If my soundest course is to plow the bank of the lake this year, year 33, and I should now sow, let this slip be brought out to me."
Several kings were treated like gods even before they died. Amenhotep I was continued to be worshiped
even after he died, people would send him prayers and his oracle was often consulted. Oracles would go on public appearances with the god in a statue form, the end of the public appearance would signal people that the oracular session is over. During the public appearance the statue is strictly protected and carefully handled. Lastly, it was said that not all Egyptians believed the oracles at first because their was this thief who tried to prove that he is innocent through three oracles but ended as guilty which he has to admit.
While I was reading the article a question was wandering on my mind that why some people sometimes would follow others opinions on their decisions. People want to know if their dreams would come true, they want to have a positive clue to have faith on what they want to achieve but not everything is positive. Some fortune tellers would give you negative clues on your future which people hate because their main purpose of wanting to read their future is to get something good from it. Instead of deciding on what you want some rely on fortune telling, this is because fortune tellers are good psychologists that can make you believe in everything they say. To answer the question, I have the article The Logic Cube by Matthew Shanahan from
People get stressed when they are engaged on making a good decision so we sometimes rely on external sources. There are good external sources like parents, a spouse and a boss but some are dubious which are from a stranger, relying on a groups opinion or even the magic 8 ball. Magic 8 ball is a toy designed to give answers in an agreeing manner, negative or not-committal by a random choice. It was said that the people who use this are seeking solutions on decision making by using a random answer in order to move forward.
These stressful situations can cause a person to have different stress levels. The person under stress should be able to have the resources in order to handle the situation, as a result, three dimensions were classified as relevant and these are the objective assessment of resources, the subjective perception of resources and the projective value of success. In the objective dimension, the goal is to rate what is attainable and unattainable, this can be rated by external resources such as peers and family, proven situation factors and or simple objective resource. Subjective dimensions defines the person to believe if he or she has sufficient or insufficient resources, this can be brought by past experiences, knowledge, history and feelings. Lastly, the projective dimension, it indicates that the present action would lead to telling what could be the result of the action on your future.
In making decisions, you should not only rely on only one external source. Ask yourself if the decision could be really done or not. You should also know what will you get yourself in making this decision because if you rely on an external source the decision could only be good for themselves and would reflect bad on you. I think it is important to measure the risks on your decision, if the decision could change a lot of things from you or if the decision is made for you. The most important is that the decision would result to a good change and it should not only focus on yourself but around you.
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